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The Huge Impact of Artificial Intelligence Dolls

Ada – Boise – USA, Central165841245Facebook

Sex dolls will help us save time
The impact of artificial intelligence will be enormous, the co-founder of the sex doll explains. “We will see it from anywhere in the day – from filling out the form to helping us make a better match on our favorite dating app. But nothing can be scared – it will help us save time, Make our life easier and happier."

Here, let's take a look at how future generations of robots and artificial intelligence will shape our lives. Sex is a controversial topic. It is currently closely related to a series of political hot issues. From sports to women's objectification to open-ended anti-contact paedophiles on social media platforms, nothing can move us forward like a high-level conversation about sex. From sex doll robots to machines that run our homes and relationships... The robot revolution is moving into every aspect of human life.

However, recent conversations have turned to those who use sex dolls to pose risks to women and children. However, one of the problems with these conversations is that they are not dialogue at all. They are often ideologically driven roars, and dissidents are yelling and being troubled out of conversation.

Someone in the Daily Mail said: If someone comes forward and says, "I am attracted by children, I hope to get help to make sure I never take action, so I will not hurt my children." Maybe society The way to use the doll specification should be carefully considered. It may be possible to give a “prescription” using a child's sex doll, as well as treatment, guidance and supervision, to help individuals comply with the law and take full responsibility for their actions. The use of this well-regulated child sex doll may be a way to protect children's safety. It feels like a dangerous area, but it is definitely worth considering.

The victimization rate of rape in the United States indicates an inverse relationship between pornography consumption and rape rates. Data from other countries indicate a similar relationship. While these data cannot be used to determine the venting effect of pornography on rape, and the lack of evidence to support negative causal assumptions in the scientific literature, it can be concluded that it is time to abandon the hypothesis that pornography can help. Sexual assault.

If we apply this definition to the sex doll debate, it leaves some conceptual gaps in the argument against the doll. For example, it may be the customization of silicone dolls (a possible growth trend with the advancement of emerging technologies) being objectified because it opens up the possibility that a particular woman is portrayed, not just the reality of sex doll.

So where should we start? In response to the idea of ​​using child-like sex dolls as a tool to prevent sexual violence. Supporting the use of so-called child sex dolls helps prevent potential abusers from committing crimes against real children.

The arguments for supporting dolls are very simple - these dolls are basically milk film, providing a way out for those who cannot show sexual fantasies and impulses in the real world for personal or legal reasons. These personal reasons are more related to men who have adult sex dolls than to mini 100cm doll like children. The owner of a sexual doll like a child may have other reasons related to the law.

As the advancement of artificial intelligence is expected to change all aspects of human life, we investigated the sex doll robot revolution. One of the reasons may be because many health care professionals (understandably) have a positive attitude towards pedophiles. Satisfy your sexual desire.

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